Photographer: bird and insect
Prop Stylist: Mag
Skincare Brand “SISI”
Branding, Art Direction, Photo Direction, Graphic, Logo

Top Awards Asia受賞(2022)
メディア掲載多数(VOGUE, anan, SPUR, 美的, Hanako, 25ans, GLOW, WWD, eclat, FUDGE, GINZA, lamire, otona MUSE, MORE, VERY, Oggi, ELLE JAPON, BAILA, MAQUIA, &ROSY, up PLUS, FINEBOYS+plus BEAUTY, ガールフイナム, 美ST ...)
ananモテコスメ大賞受賞(I’m Your HERO)
HIRO’s Best 2022 SS受賞(I’m Your HERO)

Client: SISI
Art Director, Designer: Saeka Shoda
Producer: minsak
Photographer: bird and insect
Prop Stylist: Mag, bird and insect